Ely Library, Westfield State College on Facebook

Extended library hours start tonight!

on Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Ely Library will be open extended hours the following dates and times:

Thursday, May 6: 8am - 2am

Friday, May 7: 8am - 7pm

Saturday, May 8: 10am - 9pm

Sunday, May 9: 1pm - 2am

Monday, May 10 - Tuesday, May 11: 8am - 2am

Wednesday, May 12 - Thursday, May 13: 8am - 12 midnight

Friday, May 14: Regular hours resume

4th READ poster is here!

on Friday, April 9, 2010

The Ely Library is proud to debut our 4th READ poster. This poster features four students from the WSKB 89.5FM executive board (from L to R): Andy Tarara, Jim Hewitt, Alex Simisky, and Meg Millette. They are shown reading a variety of music-related books and magazines.

The READ campaign is a national effort by the American Library Association to promote reading and library appreciation. You can see Andy, Jim, Alex, and Meg’s poster on display just inside the entrance to the Ely Library.

If you, your club, or someone you know would like to be featured on a Westfield State College Ely Library READ poster, please contact Carolyn Schwartz at x5327 for more information.

Congratulations to Amy Chapman!

on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Congratulations to Reference and Instruction Librarian Amy Chapman for earning her Master of Arts in English on Feb. 1!